Monday, December 7, 2009

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree....

Every year we go back and forth between live tree or artificial. This post is all about why I cannot give up my live Christmas tree. At least not yet anyway.
The memories for the kids are too valuable for me to sacrifice for the convenience of an artificial tree. They look forward to the day we go to Thompson's Tree Farm and pick out our tree almost as much as Christmas Day itself. First, we feed the goats...
Micah is using the bread for the goats to feed himself...

Then we get a cart and walk all through the rows of trees. The kids love to get out and chase each other and play hide n seek between the beautiful trees.

Finally, we do a photo opp on Santa's big sleigh. You can't duplicate these memories, so for now I won't try!!

Micah had the best time feeding the goats. Every time they would take the bread from him he would laugh so hard. It is worth watching the video below.

1 comment:

Chandler said...

Too cute! You know Pop will never let you live down having a fake tree, so don't even try it! Long live Thompson's Tree Farm! ;0)