Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2010 McKinney Family Farmhouse Christmas

Have I mentioned how much our family LOVES going to Abbeville to the Farmhouse for Christmas? Well we do!! We have such a wonderful time seeing all the cousins, Aunts, Uncles, etc. This is a highlight for us every year and this year was no different. Everyone was here this year (no one snowed in - yea!) except David and Rachel who are in Massachusetts for Christmas. Robbie counted 32 in the Farmhouse and because of the rain and cold, there was very little playing outside - so we had a lot of indoor fun!!
Rebekah couldn't have been happier when she opened the Password Journal that she has been asking for - one happy girl!
Micah loved his pop-up Hot Wheels Diego toy. Perfect toy for a 2 year old boy!

The adults doing our "white elephant" gift swap - always fun!!
The Butler Family
The Russell Family
My Dad, his two sisters, and their cousin Olin.
My cousin Amy and her daughter, Legare.
And, the McKinney family. Not sure what is going on with my hair, or with most of us in this picture. Not the best, but will be funny in a few years!
Missing David and my hair is still crazy!

Love that Mariana is entertaining all the kids.

1 comment:

Susan Elizabeth said...

There is nothing like family time! I am looking forward to hosting our family gathering here today at the "New Hampshire Farmhouse"!! I am happy that we get to have David and Rachel this year! (but sad for your family that they couldn't also be at your gathering)
Merry Christmas, Melanie!

p.s. LOVED the hair! (you're cute!)