Saturday, February 21, 2009


Micah has been saying a lot of words lately. My friend Christina, who is a speech therapist, says that a true "first word" is not just when the child says a sound that sounds like a word, but when they pair up the word with it's meaning. That they say something and realize what it actually means. Well a few months ago, Micah reached for a ball & said "baa". From that point on he has said Pop (my Dad), bottle, night night, and a few others. However, by far his favorite word is Batman. Anytime he sees a Batman toy, mask, or McKinney in his Batman PJ's, Micah says the word over & over. Here is a cute video of Micah & his newly discovered word.

1 comment: said...

I love it! What a smart boy. This speech therapist is very impressed...and this mom of 3 boys LOVES that his favorite word at 11 months in "Batman". Too cute!