In an effort to get caught up on the blog before Christmas - I am going to do one big Halloween post. Once again we wen to the pumpkin patch in the old gas station at Hamilton Mill. The kids loved it - & we loved how convenient it was!!

They all helped Daddy with the carving this year.

McKinney was the blue Power Ranger. He has never watched the show & we know nothing about it - I
don't' even know if the blue one has a real name. Oh well - that was what he wanted to be!

Rebekah was our little Laura
Ingalls. Gran (Robbie's Mom) made the pinafore & I converted the dress from a short sleeved ladies size 4 (found at a thrift store) into a long sleeved dress for a our pioneer girl!!

Micah was the cutest little "
Hunny" pot I have ever seen!!

Halloween night right before the downpour started!

Micah going to his first house.

Totally clueless about what is going on.

By the time we got to the
Segraves' house (our last stop for the night), Micah had the system figured out! Notice sleeping Ben in the Bjorn around Paula - too sweet!!
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