I think I enjoy Christmas even more as an adult than I did as a child. Seeing the looks on their precious faces is so special for me!! I love Christmas morning at our house. Just the five of us creating memories as a family that will last forever!!!

Micah checking out the Wii accessories. He loves the purple tennis racket.

Rebekah was thrilled with Santa's choice of a bed for Kit. She couldn't decide between asking for Kit's bed or Rebecca's bed, so she left the decision up to Santa. She was surprised to discover Kit's bed was a trundle, so other dolls could sleep too.

McKinney really enjoyed playing with Micah's Cozy Coupe.

Micah likes Rebekah's typewriter.

Is it the Hulk?? Wearing a gown??

Rebekah discovers the overflowing stockings.

This must be the real Hulk!!

This year Rebekah wanted to make blankets for her two favorite dolls, Kit and Dolldoll. So, she worked very hard all year crocheting blankets for them. She made them all by herself (taught by Gran) and did a GREAT job!!

Be careful on the roads - he is a crazy driver.

And when fighting over it didn't work, they just piled in together.

Wonderful & the day is just getting started!!!
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