Christmas afternoon, Robbie's family came over. We took this picture on the front porch and it turned out very good. Thanks Dad for being here and taking the picture for us!!Back Row (l-r): Mariano, Curtis, Christy, Doug, Cathie, Me, and Robbie. Front Row (l-r): Rebekah, Gran, McKinney, Grandad holding Micah
Gran was excited that Rebekah got a typewriter and Rebekah was showing her how to use it.
Grandad and Gran gave Micah this giraffe toy. They had already put it together for us, so he got to enjoy it before everyone else opened gifts.
After dinner, we did gifts. The kids love the job of passing out the gifts. Next year McKinney will be sounding out the names and possibly reading them himself. Wow!!
Rebekah was very excited that she got a matching outfit for her and Kit from Grandad and Gran.
McKinney loved his roller blades from Grandad & Gran.
Gran was soooo surprised to see her gift from us. I searched and searched because I knew how much she wanted an antique candlestick phone. I finally found one that was in good condition and in working order as well. Look at Rebekah - she was just as excited as Gran I think. She couldn't wait for Gran to open it!!
Micah was enjoying McKinney's scooter that he got from Uncle Doug and Aunt Cathie.
And McKinney loved "fighting" with Curtis.
What a fun time we all had. Next year my children will have a baby cousin on Robbie's side of the family. His sister, Christy, is pregnant and due January 20th. It will be fun having another little one around next year.
That wraps up our Christmas celebrating. What a wonderful time of celebrating the birth of our Savior. We are so blessed and treasure each and every moment we are given with our family and friends.
I think I enjoy Christmas even more as an adult than I did as a child. Seeing the looks on their precious faces is so special for me!! I love Christmas morning at our house. Just the five of us creating memories as a family that will last forever!!!
Micah checking out the Wii accessories. He loves the purple tennis racket.
Rebekah was thrilled with Santa's choice of a bed for Kit. She couldn't decide between asking for Kit's bed or Rebecca's bed, so she left the decision up to Santa. She was surprised to discover Kit's bed was a trundle, so other dolls could sleep too.
McKinney really enjoyed playing with Micah's Cozy Coupe.
Micah likes Rebekah's typewriter.
Is it the Hulk?? Wearing a gown??
Rebekah discovers the overflowing stockings.
This must be the real Hulk!!
This year Rebekah wanted to make blankets for her two favorite dolls, Kit and Dolldoll. So, she worked very hard all year crocheting blankets for them. She made them all by herself (taught by Gran) and did a GREAT job!!
Be careful on the roads - he is a crazy driver.
And when fighting over it didn't work, they just piled in together.
At our house Santa always leaves new bedroom slippers outside the kids bedroom doors. This overwhelms them to think that Santa was actually standing right outside their doors. Here are Rebekah and McKinney's slippers. They are at the same door because they were sleeping together (see previous post).
And Micah's sweet "yiyon" slippers.
Five full stockings and lots of candy Santa dropped.
Santa brings the kids three gifts each. We explain that the Wise Men brought Jesus three gifts and this is a great way to keep them from asking for or receiving too much.
I know most of you don't really care to see or hear about what Santa brought my kids, but I print this blog and wanted it for the blog book - so just skip this post if you are bored with these details.
This year Rebekah asked for a bed and accessories for her American Girl as well as a "surprise" and a Wii. Santa surprised her with a typewriter. Yes - it surprised me too. I don't even know how to use a typewriter, but she loves it and plans on writing books with it.
McKinney asked for Incredible Hulk smash hands and mask, a light saber, and a crocheted blanket for his special bear, Blueberry. The Wii is with his stack because it was a gift for the whole family.
Micah, with my help, asked for a Cozy Coupe, a Giant Pegboard, and the Mega Bloks table.
To develop an environment where every action and activity deepens our relationships with Jesus Christ and with each other, and to influence positive change in our family, friends, neighbors, and community that will help to spread the gospel and encourage others to make a difference.