Daddy had a great idea on Saturday. He suggested that we go on a pre-Christmas trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for a few days. You guys were all very excited, and so was I. This meant that my house would stay clean before Christmas!!! I was also excited that we would get to relax together and do some really fun things that we don't normally get to do.
Our first morning there we headed out to the Aquarium. Right inside the door you had your picture made with Santa!!

Here you are touching the horseshoe crabs.

The tunnel of sharks, sting rays, fish, and other sea creatures was a favorite of all of us.

How can you not believe in creation by Creator God when you behold beauty like this? It was truly amazing.

There is a shark swimming right over your heads - look out!!!!!

Talk about close up with a penguin. This was really cool.

After the Aquarium we toured the Titanic Museum. This was very cool, but we weren't permitted to take any pictures inside, so this is all we have of that adventure!!

You are three very brave kids. You guys did something that Mommy will probably never be brave enough to do. You rode the Sky Lift up a very tall mountain. I am so proud of all of you -- I pray you never let fear hold you back from doing what you really want to do.

Going up....

You reached the top. The views looked amazing (from the pictures).

Coming back down...

We had a wonderful view of the Smokey Mountains during lunch.

So after lunch, we went to the Wonder Works Museum. From the looks of this place there must be some pretty cool stuff inside. There was so much to do and see we couldn't get pictures of it all, so below is a sampling of what we did inside this upside down place.

Rock climbing -- After several tries McKinney, you made it all the way to the top. Rebekah, you almost did, but changed your mind at the last minute!!

There were three really cute astronauts at the Wonder Works Museum.

Rebekah - you were the first brave soul to try out the Bed of Nails.

McKinney, you could not wait to lay on the Bed of Nails. I think you are a real super heao

Later this same evening we went to the Christmas Show at the Dixie Stampede. It was wonderful. We couldn't take pictures there, but the show was great and you all enjoyed it very much. Eating with your hands was a little weird for you guys - but the food was good!!
This was an unbelievable trip. You guys had tons of fun and we all were able to enjoy spending quality time together during this busy time of year!!
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