What a beautiful day to visit the pumpkin patch. We had a blast as always. You guys are growing up every year. This year was monumental in that we had no whining, complaining, or bad attitudes when I told you to gather around for a picture!! This actually makes me a little sad because it means you are all growing up :(

I love having a camera that takes pictures quickly. I would never have gotten the next two shots if not for that! I love you sweet Micah, you keep us laughing Joyful Soul.

Rebekah, you were pretty interested in helping me pick the perfect pumpkin this year.

You guys couldn't wait to get to the bunny cage to play with all the baby bunnies.

Picking pumpkins - a novel idea!!

Rebekah and McKinney - you guys weren't interested in riding the pony's this year. You told us that they weren't very fun because you could only go around in a circle. However, Micah was super excited to ride!

The highlight of this year's trip to the Pumpkin Patch was the sweet 6 week old bunny we brought home. Our bunny, Patches, died a few months back, so we took the opportunity to fill her cage with a new baby bunny. Micah, you came up with a cute name for this little guy. So now, Thumpkin is part of our family!

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