First day of school at our house brings excitement and anxiousness as well. All smiles this morning as we are getting ready to load up and head out!!

Rebekah is starting 4th grade and is in Mrs. Bryant's class.

McKinney is starting 1st grade and started the year out in Mrs. Thompson's class. After a week of prayer and wrestling with the Lord, I finally had to admit that He wanted me to home school you. So, you only attended WJPS for nine days. After that we started homeschooling!!

Crazy in the car

Dropping you off I wasn't sure if I would be able to get a picture this year. But, you allowed me to outside the classroom and I had to do it VERY quickly!!

Growing up - I can't believe you are in 1st grade. I am excited to start homeschooling you so that I can spend more quality time with my precious middle child!!

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