What a wonderful thing holiday's are for our family. There are always fun things to look forward to. This year we went to the lake for a few days before the 4th holiday. On Friday Lake Keowee was practically empty, so we enjoyed hanging out and swimming in the middle of the lake for a hour of more. You guys loved this. There were no boundaries - you could swim as far as your arms and legs could carry you, and you did!!

Although - not too big on tubing yourself Micah, you sure enjoyed watching Daddy, Rebekah and McKinney.

Mr. Lance let Micah drive the boat some too - we weren't sure where we were going to end up :)

Rebekah and McKinney - you both enjoyed knee boarding. I am not sure why I don't have a picture of you, McKinney - but here is a shot of Rebekah on her first try!!

After a long, fun day at the lake we went back to the house to get dinner ready. Mr. T (Carrie's Dad) entertained you three by taking you down to the water to fish. And we were all surprised when McKinney said "I think I have one". Next thing we knew, you were reeling in a large, pregnant catfish. McKinney, you were so surprised and proud of yourself - I was too!!

We came home from the lake on Saturday evening - after a small snafu in our plans (more on that in the next blog post). On Sunday we went to see fireworks with Pop.

On Monday morning we went into town for the Braselton Parade. It was short - which was good since it was sweltering outside!!

I love this picture. McKinney, you were showing the guys from Anytime Fitness your muscles and he looks pretty impressed!!

We enjoyed more fireworks on Monday night with the Segraves and the Elkins. It was a full weekend, but we enjoyed all the festivities that came along with the holiday.

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