So the day has finally arrived for me to drop my first born off a summer camp. Rebekah - you were so excited about going to Camp Highland for a week by yourself. There were so many things you were looking forward to. You took no time getting settled in to your cabin and you even got a top bunk!!

You didn't waste a single second at camp. They kept you busy the entire week. One of your favorite activities was the mammoth zip line. You told us that you got stuck in the middle because you didn't weigh enough to take you to the end. So - your camp counselor had to come and slide you the rest of the way. You thought it was fun and I am so proud of how brave you are!!

The one activity that you were looking forward to the most was horseback riding. You got to spend the entire day riding your horse, Cowboy, through the trails in the mountains. You loved each and every minute of it.

These are your cabin mates for the week and your two counselors.

Here you are with your best friend from camp, Mary.

Pick up day - I was so happy to see you. The first thing you said to me was that you didn't want to leave. I am so glad that you are well adjusted, however it was a little sad that you didn't miss me at all!!!

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