You also received the award for winning the Young Georgia Authors' Writing Competition for the third grade.
The next award you were presented is pretty amazing to me. This makes the fourth year in a row (every year you have been in school) that you have received the Principal's Award for your class. This is a special award given to only one student in each class. It shows your true ability and character that you have not won this award once, but four times. Below is what was read about you when receiving the award:
The Principal's Award for Ms. Smith's class goes to a student who always puts forth the extra effort. This student is always determined to do their very best at everything they do with a big smile and positive attitude. This student is an excellent role model and always a good friend to others. We can always rely on this student to help a friend out that needs any extra assistance. This student always exhibits honesty, compassion, consideration, and determination. This is why the Principal's Award for Ms. Smith's class goes to Rebekah Crozier!!
You were super excited to keep your MVP streak alive!!
The final award you received was for the top AR points, not just for your class and not just the third grade, but for the ENTIRE school!!! You finished the year with 725 AR points!!! When they were announcing you as the winner the librarian said they had never in the school's history had a third grader take the top prize for AR. This is a huge accomplishment and one you should be proud of. You read a lot and challenged yourself with difficult books so that you could earn even more points. I could not be happier that you have a love for reading and learning just like your Mama!!
Here you are with your two medals and your AR trophy! So proud of you and thankful that you immediately acknowledged how God has blessed you to be able to accomplish all of this!
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