We had a great time with Santa this year. All the kids were excited to sit with him and talk about how good they have been this year!! He spent so much time with them and created a memorable experience for all of us!

We came home and trimmed the tree. Micah was especially excited since he doesn't really remember anything from last year. He loved each and every ornament - and the Georgia Tech Santa is still a fan favorite at the Crozier house!

Rebekah was really getting into it this year ~ She didn't just want her ornaments around the bottom, but insisted on climbing the ladder to make everything even! Love that!

Sweet McKinney - always looking for a good time and this is no different. So excited he could barely contain himself while I was getting the ornaments out of their boxes!

I have mentioned that I LOVE Christmas!!!
1 comment:
Hello Crozier Crew! This is a comment from Rachel's aunt WAY up north in New Hampshire! I love the pictures you post, especially of the generations all together! God is good to bless us with such wonderful family connections!
May your Christmas be filled with all the wonder and beauty that reminds us of our Savior's birth.
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