Even though we have already had your party - today was your actual birthday and Daddy and I like to make it a special day for you. You had an awesome day at school - starting with a cookie cake for snack this morning. All your friends were sooo glad it was your birthday! When you got home we let you open your presents from Daddy & me and Rebekah and Micah. You were so excited!!

Running to hug Rebekah and thank her for the new Zhu Zhu Pet!

Playing with the new Battle Arena and Zhu Zhu pets.

After presents, we went the Japanese restaurant for dinner. Pop and Gaga joined us. You weren't too thrilled about the hat they put on you while we sang Happy Birthday - but you were a good sport.

Micah mastered the chopsticks.

I think you liked it - you gave me a thumbs up!! Happy Birthday baby boy - I love you and can't imagine what my life would be like had God not blessed us with you six years ago!!
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