Well - it is day one & the kids took a quick look at the pool before heading out to Magic Kingdom!

In the parking lot, Rebekah was very excited.

This is our first glimpse of Magic Kingdom.

When we got through the gate and up to the castle, there was a show going on. The kids (and myself) were mesmerized.


The finale complete with fireworks.

Micah chilling while we wait on the carousel.

McKinney is happy in his new Buzz Lightyear hat.

Here we are at Storytime with Belle. McKinney wanted to ask her a question so bad - He wanted to know where her horse was.

Rebekah was chosen to participate in the show. She was Mrs. Pott's. This was very special to her since Belle is her absolute favorite princess.

When it was over - she was very pleased with herself.


On to Toontown where they kids got their first closeup glance of Mickey & Minnie. McKinney loves Minnie. She is his favorite character & kept commenting on how "cute" Minnie was!!

Again, Priceless.

Rebekah loved Minnie's house.

Our first character meal was at the Crystal Palace. What a great way to start the trip!!
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