We had an amazing time in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. I am so thankful to Robbie for planning this trip & for encouraging me to go when I was a little uncertain. This was the longest we have ever been away from the kids & the break was wonderful!!! We had so many great pictures, I couldn't help but include so many.
This was our view at dinner one night!!

This is our resort in Cabo

This picture was taken on our balcony - we used the timer on our camera & I was surprised at how well it turned out.


We took a sunset dinner cruise one evening. It took us out into the Pacific & by the famous Cabo Arch. There is a picture of that later.
Here is a sunset picture - it was very windy, so that explains my crazy hair!!

This is the Arch. The cool thing about this is that every four years the tide goes out so much that you can actually walk under the Arch. It was amazing seeing the huge rocks coming up out of the ocean!! More of God's handiwork!

This is our resort from the roof. Robbie followed the stairs all the way up to the roof & was delighted to get such a great view of the Cabo countryside!!

This was our view from our pool chairs everyday!!

One day we took a Salsa Dancing class & here is Robbie with our instructor, Lissete.

Out front at our resort waiting for the shuttle to take us to the resort beside ours for dinner.

Loved this cactus.

This picture was taken mainly for Russell's sake. Can you believe this???
I don't really understand what "Almost Kosher"is. This sign baffled me all week.

Here we were enjoying the beds on the beach. We had fun here - they were so comfy & the perfect place to relax at the beach!

This is a picture from the Sky Pool. It was a pool up on a huge mountain & you could see for miles.
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