Christmas morning and there are slippers outside your doors. Rebekah and McKinney, yours were outside Rebekah's room where you both slept.

And Micah - yours!!

Stockings are stuffed

Santa left some great treats for Rebekah. A new bike, and iPod touch, and, some American Girl "stuff".

McKinney's treats are some Star Wars things, a camera, and a bow and arrow set.

Joyful Soul, you were super excited about Santa coming this year. This was the first year you really understood Santa coming. He brought you some more Take Along Thomas train sets, a LeapFrog Leapster, and Bomb Blastin' Mater.

Unfortunately, while opening McKinney's bow & arrow set, Daddy sliced his finger with a pocket knife. This really threw a wrench in our Christmas morning plans. I have no pictures of you guys opening your gifts or stockings. I had to rush Daddy to the ER while Pop came and got you ready for church and you guys went to Christmas service with Pop, Gaga, Gran, and Grandad. It was an eventful and emotional morning for all of us, but we are thankful Daddy was okay and we were still able to celebrate the birth of our Savior with family that day!

Had to put in this picture to show Daddy's "bum thumb".

Once Pop and Gaga brought you home from church we had a really BIG surprise for you. A new addition to our family is a cute little kitty. You guys were very surprised and super excited!!

Although we tried to explain the importance of letting the kitty get used to you, McKinney - you couldn't keep your hands off of him. He is a huge answer to your pleas for a pet inside. I think you two are going to be fast friends!!

You guys decided to name him Dasher (after the first of Santa's reindeer) and because he dashes around the house!!

Rebekah, you did get to ride your bike for a few brief moments before the heavy rain moved in.

McKinney, you can't get enough.

In the afternoon, Daddy's family came over for some more celebrating. Here is Aunt Cathie, Aunt Christy, Uncle Doug, and Uncle Mariano.

Gran and Grandad and Curtis on the couch.

McKinney, SUPER excited about the hex bugs from Gran and Grandad.

Loves your new hat - exactly what you picked out!!

Love this picture of Curtis helping Micah put together his pirate ship.

You guys are so blessed that you have so many family members that love you so deeply. Gran and Grandad are such a blessing to our family. Next year there will be two more grandchildren in this picture when after Aunt Christy has the twins.