"But on the first day of the week at early dawn, they came to the tomb, bringing the spices which they had prepared. And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. Then one of the men said to them, why do you seek the living One among the dead? He is not here, but He has risen." Luke 24: 1-3 & 5b-6.
It gives Mommy "no greater joy than to know that my children are walking in the truth" 3 John 4. My prayer for all three of you, my children, is that you will discover the wonderful mystery of the living, breathing, active Word of God and that you will apply it to your lives and use it as the primary source of counsel throughout your lives. Without the truth of the resurrection, we have no basis for hope, however because of the resurrection we have nothing but hope. How blessed we are that we live in a country where we are free to celebrate the empty tomb and worship Jesus Christ in a public way today!!
Here are a few pictures of our Easter morning.

Joyful soul, always talking and singing - full of personality!
McKinney, you informed me this year that the Easter Bunny isn't a real giant bunny that comes to our house, but you think it is a person dressed up - hmmmm....