Wow - what can I say that hasn't already been said? The snow was amazing. We had so much fun being home with no where to go. We enjoyed relaxing days by the fire and meals together 3 times a day. This gave me a true glimpse of the simple life where hectic schedules don't dominate our every hour. I truly believe this snow was a blessing from the Lord to allow us the opportunity to spend real quality time together as a family. I would love another week!!

Our neighbor, Mr. Beaver, took the boys on a ride. Here is McKinney ready to go!

Micah waiting for his turn.

Rebekah loving the snow almost up to her knees.

McKinney posing for the camera.

Micah taking his ride with Mr. Beaver.

Micah and Mommy enjoying the snow.

Over Christmas Robbie built an awesome bridge over our creek. It was the perfect spot for snow pictures!

We decided to enjoy the hot tub during snow week. This was super fun. The kids loved it and didn't want to get out. It was a neat treat for all of us!

Micah doing snow angels.

Our snowman with Rebekah's shirt on - for a contest for her orthodontist.

And this is the picture we submitted for the contest - thanks Uncle David for altering it a bit for us.

A little down time. Watching our new movies was a fun treat.