I have no idea where to begin with this wonderful adventure. Robbie's Mom wanted to take Rebekah to the American Girl store & surprise her with a doll. Last week she talked to Rebekah about the dolls & they looked through the catalog. Rebekah told her Gran that she was going to ask Santa for the Kit doll. Gran scheduled lunch for today and called ahead & had the doll waiting. Rebekah thought we were just going to look at the dolls and have lunch.

While she was looking around the store, Gran was picking up the Kit doll. Gran walked up with the "big bag" & let's just say I am glad I was holding the camera because I wouldn't want you to see me crying over this precious gift.

This is Rebekah realizing that the Kit doll is in the bag & it is her's!!!

They worked to get her out of the box so she could join us for lunch.

Rebekah and her American Girl!!

Rebekah, Gran, and Kit.

Rebekah, Kit, & myself.

They had little high chair seats for the dolls and even miniature menu's. Rebekah was reading the menu to Kit.

Notice Kit's plate.

Rebekah helped her "eat" her pretzels.

This is the hair salon. They have little salon chairs, capes, and every accessory you can imagine.

What a great day. I never imagined how wonderful this little trip would be. I am glad we waited until Rebekah was a little older, because she truly understands how special this gift is & she will appreciate it much more now than she would have even a year ago. Again, Rebekah is so very blessed to have such wonderful grandparents. This day will be imprinted in her memory for a lifetime, and for that I will be forever