Rebekah - today you had an egg hunt at school. All the first graders lined up & waited for the whistle to blow. Then most of the kids took off running to find as many eggs as they could. You, however, walked very slowly and deliberately looking for only the eggs you really wanted. At first I thought you weren't happy about something, however you were as happy as can be with the 8 eggs you collected. They were just the ones you wanted. This is how you do everything - very deliberate. This is a great quality to have & I know it will serve you well throughout your life!!
Notice your basket compared to the little boy beside you.

Back in the classroom you were to predict how many of your eggs had chocolate in them. You predicted 4 eggs, but only had 1 with chocolate. Not bad - only off by 3!!

McKinney - you had a great egg hunt at school. Because of all the rain we've had, you hunted eggs in your classroom. You found a lot of eggs & couldn't wait to open them to see the surprises inside.

Anytime we ask you who your best friend is at school you always say Gretta. Of course, you love all the girls in your class. Another way you are like you Uncle David. You would prefer to play with the girls & you are very sweet to them. Mrs. Kim told me that a few days ago when ya'll were having indoor playtime you and Gretta were under the table & you had your head in her lap & she was stroking you hair. I pray you will always stay so compassionate & loving! Here is a picture of you and Gretta.

After lunch, you had a big surprise at school. One of the Moms brought in three baby chicks. You love animals soooooo much!!! You were so excited & held all three of them over and over.